Crehan John
The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen". For those reading the report on the Golden Duif UK & RoI winner 2019 may well have experienced that feeling upon reading the name of the winners, after all it is the same partnership as in 2018...
De term “déjà vu” betekent letterlijk “reeds gezien”. Dat gevoel zal zeker de lezers van onze reportage over de Engelse Gouden Duif-winnaar 2018 bekruipen, aangezien het winnend team 2019 uit dezelfde partners bestaat...
Manchester – a city world famous for the two Premier League football Clubs of Manchester City and Manchester United! There is now a third Premier League Team in Manchester, that of Crehan & O’Connor!
Manchester - de stad die wereldberoemd is om de twee Premier League voetbalclubs City en United. En er is nu, na het winnen van de Gouden Duif UK & Ireland, een derde Premier League Team in Manchester: dat van Crehan & O'Connor!
As the race reached its climax it developed into a real nail biter, with the top three open positions all on the same velocity split on decimals. Eventually, the winner was John Crehan racing as Crehan & O’Connor, who had sent only one pigeon.
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