If you don't have an account yet on our website, choose 'register'. During registering, tick the box 'Add me to P-Platform'. After this you can add a passport photo, website, introduction text and up to 6 photos.
Do you have an account already?
Go to 'My account' and choose 'Edit'. Tick the box 'Add me to P-Platform' and choose 'save'. Then a new tab for P-Platform will appear next to 'Account' and 'General information' where you can add all your information.
Go to 'My account' and choose the tab 'P-Platform', adjust your information there.
Go to 'My account' and choose 'Edit'. Delete the tick in the box 'P-Platform' and choose 'save'.
P-Platform is only intended to present your pigeons.
It is prohibited to offer commercial services or advertise pigeons for sale.
P-Platform is always safe. It is your own choice to show your telephone number or not. When other fanciers contact you, your e-mail address is not visible to them.