ROBERT BEN aka LE PHENOMENE - 1st Internat. Barcelona 16.595 p.

Robert Ben

Robert Ben wished to stay out of the public eye after his international victory over Barcelona, but we finally got in touch with him and were allowed to come to "an audience" with Le Phénomène!

GLADWIN, JARVIS & FAMILY - Winners Gouden Duif UK & RoI

John en Theresa Gladwin

Leigh-on-Sea has been voted one of the best places to live in the UK. It must be true as the pigeons of Gladwin, Jarvis and family race home at break neck speed.

JOHN CREHAN - TEAM HOOYMANS UK - Gouden Duif UK & RoI winner

John Crehan - Team Hooymans UK

The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen". For those reading the report on the Golden Duif UK & RoI winner 2019 may well have experienced that feeling upon reading the name of the winners, after all it is the same partnership as in 2018...

The secret of Gerard & Bas Verkerk: Dreaming your own Reality

Gerard and Bas Verkerk

In the summer of 2016, Michel Bommerez agreed to write a follow-up story for ‘De Duif’ about possibly the greatest champion in the present pigeon sport, Bas Verkerk. This masterpiece has now been published in English!

Pigeon Chat is pleased to announce the launch of "Chat TV"

Pigeon Chat tv

Three high quality videos are now available on the new web site Pigeon Chat. The videos are each 30 minutes long and all three talk openly about their methods, systems, health, feed and views on the sport in general.

There is only ONE Pros Roosen! - Part 1, The Man and the Fancier

Pros Roosen

Pros Roosen one of the Sport's biggest personalities and greatest pigeon fanciers passed away in August 2010. For quite some time prior to his passing, the renowned pigeon sport author ‘Columbus’ visited Pros and documented his thoughts about his lifetimes passion. 

JOHN CREHAN - Golden Duif winner UK and Rep. of Ireland

John Crehan

Manchester – a city world famous for the two Premier League football Clubs of Manchester City and Manchester United! There is now a third Premier League Team in Manchester, that of Crehan & O’Connor!

James Huang wins Ace Pigeon Pioneer Club - Pigeon sold for world record of 2.78 million euros!

Mr James Huang winst Acepigeon Pioneer Club, world record

Mr James Huang wins the Ace Pigeon in the Pioneer Club in Beijing (China). In the auction of the prize winning pigeons, his pigeon was sold for more than 2,78 million euros, an absolute world record!

Lee Bastone 1st young birds and Jake Hammond 1st old birds Guernsey BICC

Jake Hammond and Lee Bastone

The last young bird race of the season for the BICC was held from Guernsey. Even though the summer has been exceptionally hot, and racing has been difficult for every Federation, surprisingly the number was up on the previous year.

Dave & James Novis 1st young birds and Doug Grant 1st old birds Guernsey BICC

Dave & James Novis and Doug Grant

The first young bird race of the British International Championship Club race program was held on the weekend of 18th August from Guernsey in conjunction with old birds liberated simultaneously. A fast race was expected.


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