When the partnership of Underhill & Prettejohn timed in their first arrival it was not until they walked into the clubhouse for the clock check in the evening, that they realised their pigeon “Rossi” had won the first National Flying Club race of the season...
Putten is a village in the province of Gelderland, in the centre of the Netherlands. There, nature is still at its best, there is still a lot of agriculture, and there are many poultry farmers in the area. It is also a heavily forested area, and birds of prey are causing a lot of trouble for the pigeon fanciers. Gelderland still has a number of pigeon fanciers that can easily hold its own with the averages in the other Dutch provinces.
PART I: The eventful pigeon career of Luc Sioen
Pulle, Belgium – With a golden clocking at 17 hrs 26.31 (distance 535 kilometers, speed 1,285 meter/minute), the blue hen ‘Friendship’ (6058777-14) follows in the footsteps of loft mate ‘Cow Girl’ (1st National Bourges against 24,676 old pigeons in 2011). The ‘Friendship’ was basketed as first nominated of 16 hens (5 old ones and 11 yearlings), all of whom had been doing extremely well over the last weeks. The middle long-distance season has only just began, but Rik realizes memorable feats week after week:
Beverlo – The new combination of Bosmans-Leekens had much more than an excellent season in 2014. This season, they have won 19 x 1st prize including several times the first five, 3x 1st Semi-Provincial, 1st Provincial Gien 4271 birds (fastest 6579 b), 1 Provincial La Souterraine 1479 Young birds and 2nd National Tours 4039 old birds.They put a thick icing on the cake with the 1st National Chateauroux against 5884 yearlings.
Cor de Heijde has shown once again from the St.Vincent National why he is a big name at the very top of the pigeon sport. And he has once again proven that the bloodline of his world famous pigeon “The Klamper” excels especially in tough conditions.
What these birds have won in recent decades not only in their own loft but for many fanciers elsewhere defies the imagination.
Günter Prange, Meppen:
Gouden Duif Winner Germany
Superstar of The Year Speed, Germany
Superstar of The Year Middle Distance, Germany
Tuesday morning April 16th Louis Janssen died at the ripe old age of 100 years old. On August 5th, 2013, he would have become 101 years old. Louis Janssen was the last survivor of this great pigeon family and the sports magazine “De Duif” will always remember him with a warm heart.
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